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About Me


Barbara Weatherwax

Since 1988, Barbara has been a Motivational Speaker, Human Potential Coach & Spiritual Counselor. Barbara began Teaching Spirituality at her Meditation & Educational Center; in 2020 retiring from the Academy of Life-Long Learning.


Barbara has produced six inspired Self-Help Affirmations & Visualizations that include a Relaxation Induction, Affirmations & Visualization with each focussing on Universal Topics. These recordings can be emailed to you by submitting a request -


1997-2005 Barbara led groups on 50 ‘Sacred Journeys’. She scribed the Inspired Directives, traveled & led every Journey; gathering material for the book from fellow travelers and others to document the first twelve International Sacred Journeys, Barbara authored ‘The Twelve Gifts’ book. The book is available on the Twelve Gifts - Book page.


"This 544 page book has details of the assignments we fulfilled, the many locations considered Sacred that we were directed to visit and the beautiful souls we met and interacted with along the way. We met well known and obscure personalities across the world. Mastery Life Lessons are in every chapter and at the back of the book is the Ageless Wisdom chapter to bring more understanding of our Journey’s purpose. As you travel with us my deepest wish is for the reader to receive the Light and Initiations, as if you traveled the same path alongside us."  - The Twelve Gifts, Back Cover                    


by Visionary Artist ALMA TESCH




'Alma woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning, having had a vision of Jesus in the sky. Out of His Heart, was a dove headed to Earth. She painted this beautiful scene and the name of the painting was given to her. When she stepped back to admire the painting, she was told not to sell this one; she was to give it to a lady she would meet later that day. 


Alma was on her way to her art show in New Jersey, when she was inspired to stop at a mutual friend's house. I was in another room counseling, when Alma arrived and told my friend what she was to do with the painting. 


My friend called me into the room where she was with Alma, and I saw the painting! My eyes filled with tears as Alma described the details of her vision. She said 'Oh my! It's you! The lady!' and handed me the painting. She then showed me the title, which was on the back, given to her by Lord Jesus: 'Heart of God'.'


From that day, I began my ministry under auspices of the 'Heart of God'.



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